This year Microsoft UK have been given an allocation of 30 Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIE Experts) awards to give educators across the country. MIE Experts are a global community of educators passionate about using technology to improve student outcomes. Each year, Microsoft selects visionary educators to be part of this exclusive global community who are paving the way for their peers to share ideas, try new approaches and learn from each other.

MIE Expert’s role in the community:

· Build educator capacity for using technology in teaching and learning to improve student learning
· Advise Microsoft and education institutions on how to integrate technology in pedagogically sound ways
· Be an advocate at conferences, events and trainings for how Microsoft technology can improve learning
MIE Experts can expect:

· Free Microsoft products and tools
· Exclusive professional development opportunities
· To develop your personal “brand” and career as a thought leader by participating in case studies, speaking engagements and content development
· Eligibility to earn an all-expense paid trip to the Microsoft in Education Global Forum in Redmond, Washington, Spring 2015
· Opportunity to be invited to become a MIE Fellow
For more information on program commitments.
If you are an educator and you feel deserves this recognition please do apply for the award. This year we have made the process much easier, please see: Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert: How to Apply: